Friday, October 1, 2010

This week.

So week's over. Long week. I did figure out something interesting today. I think FSU has this whole course difficulty thing fucked up. I have a 1-thousand level course, REL1300, being taught like a 3-thousand level course. Perhaps maybe a tad harder. Interestingly, after speaking with other students, it turns out a lot of 1-thousand level courses turn out like that. So maybe we should just cut the bullshit and just label the courses based off of the difficulty of the class - as they should be - as opposed to the difficulty of the curriculum.

Quote(s) of the day:
"Dating you is like dating a stairmaster" - The Social Network

Advertisement of the Day:
Virgin Atlantic via AdFreak

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Intro; Today on campus

So this is my blog. Random musings all go {here}. Anything that pops into my head will land here. From shower fodder to meaningless rambles. Enjoy. I know I will.

Shower fodder - I have a hero complex. Or a success complex. Or both. But who really gives a fuck? I just want to be glorified. Maybe its a narcissistic thing. Can't be sure. I do know I want success. I want to be looked up to. I want to be a leader.

World's worst park job - As we all know, there are a very LIMITED number of parking spots on campus. Therefore, it is very much a douchebag move to occupy more than one spot with your limited parking skills. But alas, one cannot help the helpless. Thankfully, there was still enough room for a squeeze, but honestly, lets keep our tires in between the lines.

...iPhone Facebook Alert: FSU Ad Club sent you a message... standby.

Okay back to life.

... okay can't think of anything else. That will be all.